Are You Letting Demons
Tell You How to Feel?
I’m sure you have said things like: “I am frustrated!” “I am
angry!” “I am anxious!”
But I bet you’ve never said, “I am going to let demons tell me how to
feel today.”
Here is an eye-opener–every time you
connect the identity of a demon to God’s name of “I AM” you are giving them easy access to your mind, will, and
emotions, aka* your soul.
No one likes to be told what to do,
so why are you allowing demons to do that to you daily through your own words? *(Also Known As)
Relying on your feelings and emotions is a big lie from the
pit of hell to move you in the wrong direction!
The demonic kingdom cannot read your mind, but they
can put thoughts in your mind. I see them as pushy sales guys that keep
hitting you with lies and waiting for your agreement to set the hook in your
They work completely opposite of
God. The Holy Spirit will write his thoughts first on your heart and then
on your mind. He places desires in your heart that line up with his plans
to prosper you. His desires become your desires, your hopes, and
dreams. You know they are from God when they produce the fruits of love,
joy, and peace.
You can tell who is driving your emotions by the fruit they
Four Keys to
Help Regain Control of your Emotions:
1. Forgive quickly. Listen
for the sound of the jailers coming to get you to put you in a jail cell of
offense with bitterness, resentment, impatience, frustration, and anger. It’s
either spirit of self-pity or self-righteousness.
Self-pity says: “Why am I always the one that gets stuck with all the responsibility. How come I am always blamed? Why do I always get left out?”
Self-righteousness says: “I would never do that to anyone! How dare they treat me that way!” These are victimizing demons that are assigned to put you in the jail cell of unforgiveness to torment you. (Matt. 18:34) If you can learn to listen for their voices and forgive quickly, you will slam the door in their faces.
2. Drop the
judgment and discern the battle. Remember that the hurtful actions
of others do not have the right to take away your blessings unless you submit
to the demons operating through them. (Eph. 6:12) Righteous anger is
allowed. You can be as angry at the demons taunting you through others as
you like, just don’t aim your anger at the person. My favorite saying is,
“I’d like to slug that demons head, but (fill in the name) face keeps getting
in the way.” Keep the battle lines clear in your heart. When
you can discern the demons operating you are not judging. It is a fine line. (John 7:24)
3. The battle is
not personal. Demons can see us, but they are spirits, and their
assignment is to shut down the spirit of God operating through you. The battle
is spiritual. The demonic realm knows the part you play in the great move
of God destined for this year, so they are coming in through the breaches of
your soul to sabotage you and take you out of the game. Focus on the big
picture. Do not minimize it down to your personal circumstance.
4. Your mind needs
to meditate on the good stuff. Philippians 4:8 exhorts us:
“One final
thing, fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure,
and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and
worthy of praise.”
I tell my clients all the time; “You
can think about what you want to think about!” Love is the action that sends
the demons screaming out of the room. Anger gives them fuel.
Don’t let the demons tell you what
to do another day. Step back. Look at the big picture and declare:
“Today I will
walk in love, not offense, this is a day of blessings for the kingdom of
God. I refuse to listen to the lies of the enemy one more minute.
Demons of bitterness, anger, frustration, self-pity, and self-righteousness you
are and always will be under the blood of Jesus Christ because you were defeated at the Cross.